Protect Your Online Business With Over 120 Legal Documents That You Can Access Right Now!

All of our templates have been drafted by multi award winning business lawyer Suzanne Dibble LLB, CIPP/E - specifically with small business owners in mind. 

They are easy to complete and jargon free. 

Having worked exclusively with small businesses since she left the City and the world of Mergers & Acquisitions in 2010, Suzanne really understands what small businesses owners need to make their business watertight.

Suzanne has built this template pack up to 120+ vital legal documents for well over a decade, responding to the needs of small business owners. 

We believe that this is the most comprehensive template pack for sale in the UK that is particularly focused on coaches, consultants, experts, trainers, influencers, information businesses and e-commerce businesses. 

This comprehensive pack will give you the peace of mind that whenever you need a legal document in your business it will be there for you.

Protect Your Online Business With Over 120 Legal Documents That You Can Access Right Now!
Small Business Legal Academy
Ground-Breaking Online Academy To Grow And Protect Your Fabulous Small Business
legal Academy only
  • Over 120 Legal Templates drafted by top city lawyer
  • Stuck for time? We have 3 Minute Video Overviews
  • 8 week Mini Law-School programme
  • Over 100 Video Guides with PDF files
  • ​Over 20 Checklists
  • ​Over 20 Factsheets
  • Weekly Action Plans
  • Case Studies
  • Resources Guides
  • GDPR Module
  • Coronavirus Business Survival and Recovery Module
  • ​Employment Module
  • Coaches, Consultants and Experts Module
Here are just some of the 120+ documents you can start protecting your business with right now! Click here to see the full list.
If your website doesn’t disclaim your liability properly, your business and personal assets could be at risk.
If you don’t have the right GDPR compliant Privacy Policy in place, then not only could you be fined up to €20m but you will lose the trust of your customers and prospects.
Confidentiality And 
Non-Disclosure Agreements
If you are sharing confidential information about your business with potential partners, franchisees, freelancers or anyone else, then you need to protect that information with these documents.
We all send lots of emails but what if they end up in the wrong place? How do you protect against sharing information with the wrong person and avoid getting sued? Use the email disclaimers to protect yourself.
If you’re a consultant, you need to be very clear about the legal terms on which you do business while at the same time protecting yourself. Make sure you get paid and protect your intellectual property with this professionally drafted yet easy to read agreement.
If you’re a coach or mentor, then we have over 20 documents that you are likely to need covering all elements of coaching and mentoring including online group programmes, mastermind groups, face to face coaching, one to one coaching and memberships.
Copyright Notices And Disclaimers
If you create content, then you need to protect that content by using copyright notices and liability disclaimers. Otherwise, you could find that your competitors are stealing your content and that you are being sued for somebody relying on your advice.
To protect your most valuable asset, your brand, you need to protect it with a trademark. We tell you what wording you can and can’t use after your name and how to apply for a trademark.
If you employ somebody, it is a legal requirement that you provide them with written terms of their contract. We provide you with an employment contract (including probation period wording), an offer letter and all the employment policies you are likely to need.
If you are using freelancers in your business such as Virtual Assistants, marketing consultants, associates providing services to your clients, IT professionals or anyone else, then you need to protect your business from many things including theft of confidential information, solicitation of your clients, the end client not paying and liability if the freelancer messes up. A hugely important document.
If you are selling products online then by law you need to include many specific matters in your terms of business. The new Consumer Contracts regulations are likely to apply and if you don’t comply there are serious consequences for your business including you having to refund the customer for any reason up to 12 months after the date of order.
If you are speaking at an event or you are organising an event and hiring speakers, then you need these agreements that will allow you to record the events, retain ownership over IP, be clear about payment and publicity, disclaim liability and much more.
With access to all of the RIGHT legal document templates, drafted by a trusted expert, protecting your business from significant legal problems does NOT have to be expensive, time-consuming, overwhelming or stressful

We believe it's easier for you to access the templates via our membership platform. 

So the price on the order form is for 12 months of access to the membership platform where you will benefit not only from ease of access but also from updates and additional templates that are added. 

You can choose to download all the documents and continue to use them, but obviously if you do so there is no guarantee they will be up to date. 

For a nominal fee of just £97 plus VAT pa you can continue to access the templates via our membership platform and benefit from updates and additions to the library. 

At the end of the 12 month period from your purchase we will contact you to remind you to download the documents if you don't want to continue to access the templates via our membership platform.

Hi there, 
I'm Suzanne - here's why you want ME on your legal team!
“I have worked at the top levels with FTSE 100 clients (such as ITV) on billion pound deals, with legendary entrepreneurs (such as Richard Branson) and at the world’s largest law firm, DLA Piper, working on multi-million pound global mergers and acquisitions.

I have also been a board director of a £100m+ turnover company and set up my own legal practice in 2010, and as a result, I am totally commercially minded and entrepreneurial in my outlook (a bit of a rarity for us lawyers…).

I have won loads of awards (including Best Privacy Author in the Picasso Europe Awards for my book GDPR for Dummies) and even been included in the Who's Who of Britain's Business Elite two years in a row!

But what really sets me apart from other lawyers is my understanding of small businesses and the matters that are relevant to them. I have helped tens of thousands of small businesses since 2010.

I have a unique ability to take complex legal issues and break them down into jargon-free, practical, relevant tempaltes and guidance for small business owners. I make small business law easy for you.
Not convinced? Don’t just take it from me:
Shaa Wasmund MBE
“It's times like last month when I'm truly grateful that I know Suzanne.

Rather than me worry about how regulations applied and spend hours deciphering legalease on the internet or paying a fortune to a suited lawyer in a big office to tell me, I had my answer within seconds and without further cost.

Suzanne seemingly can turn her hand to any business related contracts; from terms and conditions to coaching contracts - even the lease for my beach hut where I write my best selling books...

Her practical guidance got me past the council bureaucracy quickly and easily - a miracle!

If you have an online business or are a coach, consultant, author, speaker or expert, there really isn't anyone else out there who is equipped to help you at the same level that Suzanne is.

And the fact that this support comes at such an affordable price is the icing on the cake.
“Suzanne has been a constant support for me and my team here at JigsawBox.

There are so many legal requirements for a small business and so much technical jargon that we don't always understand what's required of us from a legal point of you, and it's hard to know where to begin.

Having access to Suzanne's templates allows us to go about our business with ease and grace.

We have easy to use templates that we have been able to easily adapt to our business, with no legal jargon that we understand.

One of the big things for us is the level of reassurance we have, knowing that we have the right documents in place.
Nicola Bird
Joanna Martin
"Suzanne, I wanted to thank you for your templates.

My husband Greg purchased them as he looks after all the details in our business.

Having moved from Australia there are a lot of UK laws which we simply don’t know about, so it is great to have a resource to refer to when we get stuck.

I know he uses it all the time as he tells me how much time and frustration it has saved him.

It has saved us 10 times what we paid for it in legal fees.

He keeps telling anyone who will listen to join up!
“If you're a coach, consultant, expert or speaker in the UK, then you definitely need Suzanne's templates.

It has a special template module specifically for us that covers all of the areas we need to protect ourselves against and gives us all of the legal documents we are likely to need.

This kind of guidance just isn't available elsewhere.

The thing about Suzanne is that she completely understands our world and has put practical documents together that reflect exactly what we are doing - not many lawyers out there really understand what we need.

I have seen a lot of coaches and experts make very, very expensive mistakes, myself included, through not knowing how to protect ourselves properly.

If you have Suzanne and her templates on your side, those mistakes just aren't going to happen.

You might think I'll get round to protecting myself later after I have built my new website or designed my new course or held my next event, but the thing is you don't know when those mistakes are going to happen - so if you want my advice, I would say get hold of Suzanne's templates now and make sure those mistakes don't happen full stop.
Dan Bradbury
Business Growth Systems
Michelle Holmes
"Suzanne’s Legal Academy has been a lifesaver more than once.

One time in particular springs to mind. I had spent ages creating a fabulous Facebook competition leading into the launch of a new product and was concerned about the legalities.

As an Elite member of the Academy, I asked Suzanne which document I needed to protect me and she directed me to the Facebook competition terms. I tweaked them and included them with the competition and went live.

Just after I went live, I received a message from a contact that put the fear of god in me. He forwarded me a link about illegal lotteries and people going to jail. It was Friday night and I didn’t know what to do! I was about to pull the whole competition…

I contacted Suzanne not really hoping to hear from her until the Monday at the earliest. She replied straight back to me that night and told me that because we had included certain terms in the competition terms, there was no chance that it would be construed as an illegal lottery.

Thank goodness I signed up for Elite membership as if I hadn’t been able to contact Suzanne then I would have pulled the competition and wasted a whole lot of time and effort.

It is so reassuring to know that Suzanne is always there for me if I have similar problems and to know that not only does Suzanne have an excellent legal background and really knows her law, but also being the owner of a successful online business, really understands the practical business challenges that we have and interprets the law in the light of those practical challenges.

I can’t recommend Suzanne or her Legal Academy enough – if you have an online business in the UK, you need Suzanne on your side.
“I consider myself really fortunate that Suzanne set up the Small Business Legal Academy at just the point where my business was taking off. It has saved me thousands of pounds in legal fees and tons of time that I would have had to spend liaising with a lawyer.

Instead it has been so simple.

What I love most is that if I create a new online programme, live training or other service I know that I can just log on to the members area, grab the template that I need and tweak it to suit my business and voila! I’m good to go.

Suzanne even removed all of the headache of getting my online sales pages compliant as I knew exactly what I needed in terms of terms & conditions and other items on my site. In fact I’m not sure you would even get this level of thorough cover through most lawyers – when you see the templates you can see that no stone is left unturned – Suzanne has thought to cover you for pretty much every eventuality! 

I can’t imagine where I would be without it – probably getting myself in a lot of hot water and needing an expensive lawyer to help me get out of it!"
Catherine Watkin
Karen Skidmore
"I hate dealing with legal stuff.

When I first started up well over a decade ago, I was a self-employed coach who just about made enough to cover her personal tax allowance! But over the years, I’ve set up membership sites, created and sold online training programmes, organised events and now run a marketing school and mastermind group.

I realised I couldn’t stick my head in the sand over legal matters any more.

So when I first discovered Suzanne’s templates, I was delighted. The templates, really easy to understand and step by step instructions are priceless and, more importantly, I feel more confident to get on and sort out terms & conditions, contracts and other legal stuff I didn’t even realise I needed to have.

In the early years I spent £750 with a local lawyer to set up a really basic associate contract; that was just one hour of her time so I dread to think how much I would have had to spend if I had to go direct to a lawyer to get everything included here.

Having everything laid out so simply and easy to access is invaluable so I would have to say that investing in this is critical if you want to take you and your business seriously."
"Suzanne is one of the few lawyers who really understands online business.

She understands all the risks that face us and explains in a really easy to understand way, how we can avoid those risks.

As a Social Marketing expert, I find that not many lawyers are clued up on the law on social media or about internet marketing in general, but this is Suzanne's expertise. Not only does she know the law but she also knows how to make it relevant in terms of our every day business - again, something not many lawyers do.

Her templates cover all areas of running an online business including social media, internet marketing, affiliate marketing, e-commerce law and a lot more that in my experience just can't be found elsewhere.

If you have an online business, in my view, there is nothing better than Suzanne's templates to protect you from all the nasty legal issues that can severely impact on your business."
Veronica Pullen
Cara Sayer
"I simply wish that Suzanne’s templates had been around when I started my business as it would have saved me an awful lot of time, effort, money and stress in trying to find out what you need to do to start up and run a business venture and to take care of the legal side of things.

I will happily recommend them to any small business as the templates are great value for money and incredibly helpful."
"I love business, I even secretly love all the numbers stuff, but when it comes to legals... I'm lost.

I know I need it, I know it's important, and I know it needs to be 'right' but like most people when faced with language you don't quite understand you don't know if it's right or wrong or just there to 'look clever'.

While I have no desire to be a lawyer (so not my Thing) I do like to understand my terms and conditions and contracts as they are part of my business.

I'll also confess I'm not a huge fan of paying out large amounts of cash for what I sure are template legal documents half the time.

So now I don't.

Gone are the days of me stressing about all my legal bits and pieces being up to date, accurate, effective, not to mention spending £450 a go on the odd lawyers letter (yes one letter) as now Suzanne's templates handle everything I need to know and use.

I refer all my business clients to it and Suzanne whenever the word 'lawyer' is mentioned.

Her templates solve all the problems you didn't know you had (and now don't have to worry about) and even if something crops up, there is likely to be a template to help you.

And relax..."
Lucy Whittington
Small Business Legal Academy
Ground-Breaking Online Academy To Grow And Protect Your Fabulous Small Business
legal Academy only
  • Over 120 Legal Templates drafted by top city lawyer
  • Stuck for time? We have 3 Minute Video Overviews
  • 8 week Mini Law-School programme
  • Over 100 Video Guides with PDF files
  • ​Over 20 Checklists
  • ​Over 20 Factsheets
  • Weekly Action Plans
  • Case Studies
  • Resources Guides
  • GDPR Module
  • Coronavirus Business Survival and Recovery Module
  • ​Employment Module
  • Coaches, Consultants and Experts Module
© 2024 Suzanne Dibble  -  All Right Reserved.

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DISCLAIMER: Your orders are subject to our Terms of Business.  The Academy and related templates and other materials do not entail “legal advice” as it includes template documents, training sessions and guidance and as such is not regulated by the SRA. Suzanne is not acting as your solicitor and cannot provide you with any bespoke advice as part of the Academy but if you require such legal advice, please contact Suzanne and such work shall be provided through Suzanne’s regulated law firm Virtual Lawyers Ltd, after a quote has been provided and agreed. The templates and other materials are subject to and based on English law. You can view our Privacy Notice here.