Recession Proof Your Business LIVE

A FREE series of 5 LIVE Masterclasses from 3 to 7 October - with top UK business lawyer Suzanne Dibble LLB, CIPP/E  

Times are hard and they are getting harder. Are you worried about having to cut your business costs?  Are you losing sleep over late payers or refund requests?  Are you tied into contracts that you need to get out of? 

If so, then join us on Recession Proof Your Business LIVE where Suzanne will share with you top legal strategies to recession proof your business to ensure that your business survives these difficult times. 

In addition to the free trainings, when you sign up today, we are also going to give you free legal templates so that you can easily implement the legal strategies that will be shared in the Masterclasses.

You know that horrible sinking feeling in your belly....

The feeling when you realise you're in trouble. Your palms start to sweat. You heart starts to pound. The text you're reading becomes blurry...

The 'we aren't happy and we want a refund' email
You sold your group programme (or high ticket consultancy or other services) and took all of the payment upfront. You thought things were going well with the delivery until you see an email from your client saying they aren't happy with your services and they want a refund. You don't know what to do, as there is no money in the bank account to cover a refund.... You aren't clear about whaw the law says about refunds, you remember something about a cooling off period but how long does that last?? What if they start bad mouthing you in public or online or get more programme participants or clients onboard with requesting a refund? Panic sets in....
The ghosting by a client who owes you money
You're waiting on a large invoice to be paid. You check your bank account and it's still not been paid 7 days after the due date. You email the client with a friendly reminder, but still don't hear anything. You call the client to see if there is a misunderstanding but they don't take or return your calls. Next thing you know, you're blocked on their social media channels. You have some big business costs coming up and if this invoice doesn't get paid, you're in real trouble. Panic sets in....
The 'no we aren't going to give your a refund' email
You have spent a fair amount of money buying services from a company only to find that you aren't getting what they promised you. You email them and ask for a refund but they reply right away saying they aren't obliged to provide a refund to you. What to do? You aren't sure of your rights and wouldn't know where to start with bringing a claim to the small claims court.  You haven't got what you wanted but you have lost the money. You need to hire someone else to provide the services that you need but now don't have the money. Panic sets in...

If you want to be able to avoid all of the above scenarios, then you need to sign up to Recession Proof Your Business LIVE, a series of 5 LIVE masterclasses, with Suzanne Dibble LLB, CIPP/E

5 free LIVE online trainings 

Monday 3 – Friday 7 October 2022

Mon - Thur 12:30 - 13:30 AND REPEATED AT 20:00 - 21:00  (London)
(so you can attend either session)

Fri 12:30 - 13:30 (London)

With top UK lawyer Suzanne Dibble 

Q&A Sessions with Suzanne 

Ongoing Access to Replays Available*

3 FREE Legal Document Templates

1 FREE PDF Credit Control System

Private Facebook Group

So that you can Recession Proof Your Business before it's too late

We collect and process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Notice

Suzanne Dibble LLB

NOTE: If I were to advise you on these areas, 
my fees would be well in excess of £2000... 
... through these LIVE online sessions you get my expertise and all of the bonuses entirely for FREE

*you can purchase the recordings to listen to at your leisure for just £37 plus VAT until midnight on 3 October when the price increases to £97 plus VAT

What are the 5 LIVE Sessions in Recession Proof Your Business ?

How to ensure you get paid in full and on time and with zero refund requests 

Could one late payer cause you cash flow issues? Could a number of refund requests mean you’re heading to bankruptcy? Would you like to know how, if your client goes bust owing you money, you can still get that money back? 

One thing is for certain; when we’re in a recession and times are hard, your clients are going to be less likely to pay your bills on time, if at all… They will be looking for excuses not to pay and if you don’t have the right legals in place to protect yourself, things can get very tricky. 

Equally, when times are hard, your clients are more likely to get buyers remorse and try to get a refund. In some cases it is the law to provide a refund but in most cases, with the right legal protection, it isn’t - though many small business owners often give refunds when they don’t need to because they don’t understand the legal position and/or don’t have the right legal protections in place.

On this session I will show you:

1/ The key clauses to add to your client contract to ensure you are the first to get paid

2/ The key clauses to add to your client contract to ensure you don’t have to provide refunds

3/ How to still get paid even if your client goes bust!!

We also have a BONUS for everyone who attends LIVE - the payment and interest clauses to add to your customer contracts.

How to cut your costs without breaking any contracts and getting sued

In a recession, you often need to cut your costs. That might be subscriptions for software, contracts with freelancers or client contracts that are costing too much to service. 

The problem is that often you will be tied into certain notice periods or minimum durations so that you have to keep on paying or risk getting sued for breach of contract.

On this session, I will show you how to:

1/ Structure your contracts with your clients for maximum flexibility so that you can rejig things when you need to or sack your client (without getting sued...)

2/ How to get out of subscriptions that have a minimum period, without getting sued…

3/ How to negotiate with freelancers or other suppliers so that they have no or short notice periods so that you can stop those costs immediately

We also have a BONUS for everyone who attends the LIVE session - the exact wording you need for maximum flexibility in your contracts with clients and suppliers including force majeure clauses and termination clauses.

How to get what you’re owed from clients who are refusing to pay - by using effective credit control processes, letters before action and the small claims court

If a client is refusing to pay your invoice, it can be hard to know what to do next, especially if the amount is relatively low, as often it costs more than that to hire in the experts to help you recover it.

On this session, I will show you how to:

1/ Put an effective credit control system into place 

2/ Send out your own Letter Before Action (you need to do this the right way or you could have costs ordered against you if you go straight to lodging a claim…)

3/ Complete the court forms to lodge a claim so that you can pursue a debt yourself, without incurring any costs other than the court fee (if it gets to that...). 

We also have a BONUS for everyone who attends the LIVE session - a credit control system that you can use in your own business to get invoices paid ASAP.

How as a consumer/client to get a refund when you’re not happy and the company is refusing a refund

Ever bought something or paid for a service as a consumer and you didn’t get what you wanted? 

Or maybe just changed your mind? 

You asked for a refund and the company said no refunds…  

On this session, I’m going to show you:

1/  exactly how you can get even the most determined company to actually provide you with a refund!

2/ how to best negotiate to get the refund you want 

This technique becomes even more critical in a recession when business and household budgets are being stretched to the limit. 

We also have a BONUS for everyone who attends the LIVE session - the exact wording that you need to send to a company that isn’t providing you with a refund.

How as a consumer/client to get a refund when you’re not happy and the company is refusing a refund

On this session, I’m going to:

1/  go over the key points of all of the live sessions

2/ answer any final questions your may have 

3/ tell you how you can get hold of my special Recession Proof Your Business templates and more at a no brainer price!

We also have a BONUS for everyone who attends the LIVE session - a 20% off discount code should you choose to recession proof your business with our special Recession Proof Your Business templates and more!

What's included in Recession Proof Your Business LIVE with Suzanne Dibble ?

5 LIVE trainings with top UK business lawyer
Live trainings with top UK business lawyer Suzanne Dibble LLB, CIPP/E where she will use her 25 years of legal knowledge and experience PLUS her own experience of running a small business to guide your through how to protect your business in a recession. 

Suzanne normally charges £500 plus VAT per hour for her consultancy, so have access to her immense knowledge and wisdom for free is an opportunity to be grasped fully. 
Q&A sessions with top UK business lawyer
Have individual questions about recession proofing your business that are unique to your own business? It's not safe to rely on the internet or asking non legal experts within your business communities. Instead get them answered by a top UK lawyer!

You can also learn from questions asked by other businesses. After all - we don't know what we don't know and one of those scenarios asked about might make all the difference to your business.
Replays of the live sessions*
It is always better to be on the live sessions, not least so that you can have your questions answered there and then, but if you can't attend live or you want to refer back to the sessions for future reference, easily searchable replays are included within the price of the Sprint.

BONUS payment and refund clauses to add to your client contracts**
If you don't have professionally drafted client contracts in place, then chances are you are very exposed regarding non-payers, late payers and refund requests.  

We will provide you with the exact legal wording to add to your contracts that will (i) make even the most reluctant of payers pay up, (ii) enable you to get paid even after your client has gone bust and (iii) ensure your don't need to provide refunds.
VIP Community 
Join our private Facebook community where you can connect with likeminded business owners and share experiences of copyright and content protection issues. 

You can get to know each other and Suzanne can get to know you and your business. 

BONUS termination and force majeure clause to add to supplier agreements**
If your don't have the right termination clauses in your contracts with your service providers or freelancers, you can be tied in to spending a lot of money unnecessarily - when you no longer need the service or when you're not happy with it.

If it's not drafted properly, when you try to get out of a contract, that in itself could be a breach of contract and could see your ending up in court. With this wording, you will be able to escape the contract (and be able to cut your costs) without the fear of being sued. 
BONUS Credit Control  System**
My Credit Control System has helped thousands of small business owners to avoid late payments and non payers - without having to pay out on expensive lawyers. 

In this Checklist, we show you the exact steps to take to chase a debt so your get your invoice paid ASAP!
BONUS wording to ensure you get a refund from your service provider**
I’m going to give you the exact wording that I used to get a speedy refund from a company that was 100% determined to not give me a refund, without having to lodge a court claim or spend any money on a lawyer.   

* You can purchase the replays of all of the live sessions for just £37 plus VAT until midnight on 3 October and then after that for just £97 plus VAT. To do so just click on the green box below and you will have the option to purchase the recordings.

** These bonus documents are provided to every person who attends the LIVE session.


We are starting in...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Sonia Gill
"I genuinely cannot tell you how much stress Suzanne has relieved from me. As small business owners, we want to get it right. Suzanne takes away the headache, the worry, the uncertainty out of it."

If you have had any of these thoughts or questions, then this Sprint is for you...

Am I OK to use that quote on social media?

Can I refer to someone else's methodology as part of my training sessions?

Do I need to register copyright to protect my content?

I have heard of trademarking and copyrighting, but what's the difference?

How do I find out if one of my competitors has stolen my content?

Do I have to pay a lawyer thousands to send a Cease and Desist Letter to someone who has stolen my content?

Surely using images that are already on the internet is fine...

How do I prove that this content and methodology was my idea?

How do I stop my clients from using my trainings in a way that I'm not happy with?

How can I collaborate with people on online trainings while protecting my IP?

What's the worst that could happen if you don't Recession Proof Your Business?

Have to go to court to recover what you're owed 

Have to spend thousands on legal fees to recover what is owed to you

Suffer a cash flow crunch that derails your business

Poor service / wasted money because you can't end the contract

A group of refund requests threaten bankruptcy

You lose so much money, you go bust 

Meet Suzanne

Suzanne Dibble LLB, CIPP/E is a multi-award winning business lawyer who has an award winning course and membership site, the Small Business Legal Academy, that has helped tens of thousands of online businesses protect themselves legally and put all contracts in place easily and affordably. The Legal Academy has won a Law Society Award and 100% of members when surveyed said they would recommend it.

Suzanne is the author of the best selling book GDPR for Dummies and is a regular media commentator and international speaker. 

"One of the few lawyers who really understands online business."

Suzanne has been running her own online business for the past ten years and has helped so many more online businesses that she truly understands all the risks that face us and explains in a really easy to understand way, how we can avoid those risks.

Veronica Pullen, The Mile Deep (Facebook) Marketing Queen

What others have said about our previous LIVE trainings

"I can't believe it was so great."

"You should do this Sprint. The one I did really helped me and made me feel more confident about the legal aspects of running a business. The legal insight was incredible. It was definitely time well spent. If you have any inkling of starting or growing a business, doing this Sprint is a no brainer. It will help you to grow your business with your eyes open because you will have a better understanding of your legal position. I feel much better equipped now to start and grow my own business."

Anna Louise Cowgill

"Suzanne cuts through the overwhelm."

"If you're starting a service-based business or looking to improve an existing one, this is the event you need that will help you understand the legal frameworks you should have in place. Suzanne cuts right through the overwhelm by taking complex matters and presenting them in a manner that is easy to understand and implement straight away. Suzanne and her team serve from the heart and are just as committed to your success as you are."

Caroline M Klos

"Gained a huge amount of confidence"

"Suzanne is very knowledgeable on many things but specifically about the legal intricacies that coaches and consultants have to face and deal with. This means that the trainings and Sprint is superbly and uniquely positioned to help us/you with the practical, real and relevant issues you encounter. I have gained a huge amount of confidence with the legals as a result :)"

Jo Manton

"Level of input is phenomenal"

"The level of input is phenomenal and offers incredible value! In addition, Suzanne's credentials are impeccable and she really knows her stuff and how to make it accessible for your particular type of business, eg coaching services"

Elena Gil-Rodriguez

"Definitely worth the time!"

"An excellent course covering all the major legal things that you need to consider but taught in brilliantly plain English. Suzanne is great at explaining complex subjects in clear and simple language that is understandable. Definitely worth the time!"

Janet Beauchamp

"It was such a relief to find an enjoyable and understandable approach!"

"A wonderfully comprehensive and user-friendly experience to demystify everything around small business legal requirements. It was such a relief to find an enjoyable and understandable approach to this previously baffling minefield."

Alison Fiander

"If you care about your business, DO THIS!"

"I've never learned SO much, or actually taken the time to attend every single session from start to finish, writing copious notes! If you care about your business, DO THIS!"

Clare Metcalf

"Best course I've ever done!"

Extremely knowledgeable, supportive and I have completed documents ready to go! Not left to my own devices. SO good!!! Best course I've ever done!"

Louise Corcoran

"It is genuinely given to you on a plate."

"You will be getting incredible access to an 'easy to follow' course and Sprint for essential legals needed for your business, led by the calm and inspirational Suzanne Dibble. It is genuinely given to you on a plate! Even as a lawyer myself, this free course and Sprint gave me so much confidence and extra top tips; it was the best use of my time and I loved being a part of the community. A must-have for all small business owners.

Lindsay Cressey

"Outstanding and very unusual."

"To be able to emerge from free training with an actual product that you can use in your business right now that's going to protect you is outstanding and very unusual. This was an investment of time for me, but well worth it because I learnt so much. I wish I had access to something like this at the beginning of my business journey because I would have saved so much energy as well as money!"

Amie Crews

"Suzanne is passionate, genuine, has integrity and wants us all to succeed. "

"I I love Suzanne’s delivery, it’s friendly and without fluff. 
The week prior to this Sprint, I’d enrolled on another legal course and after doing the course, I knew Suzanne was my kind of gal. The training and Sprint is organised so well that it eliminates any confusion and you simply follow along with the thoroughly considered training steps. It’s slick, professional and effective. Suzanne is passionate, genuine, has integrity
and wants us all to succeed. I feel relieved and secure knowing I have the support and training from Suzanne and her team."

Gina Bailey-Stocken

"Wonderful opportunity."

"Wonderful opportunity for small businesses like yours and mine. You get to understand what your key legal business loopholes are and what risks you may unknowingly be running, how you can easily protect yourself."

Alison Haill

"Brilliant at clarifying what I need to do."

"Suzanne is extremely knowledgeable and experienced. She has the ability to convey potentially confusing concepts in a clear and concise way. She has been brilliant at clarifying what I need to do to make sure my business is compliant with legal requirements."

Jigisha Patel

"It was great fun!"

"Suzanne's Implementation Sprints are brilliant. I'm much more confident now I have a better understanding of the importance of putting legal safeguards in place. Plus it was great fun with loads of useful info and a great group of fellow small business owners."

Tina Cook

"No waffle, plain English and no hard sell"

"A great, organised team - led by an individual with an extensive legal background, sharing information that is essential when building / continuing a business. No waffle, plain English and no hard sell."

Thandi Davis-Groener

"If you want to bulletproof your business, Suzanne will get you there quickly"

"If you want to bulletproof your business against potential legal problems, Suzanne will get you there quickly and, more importantly, without you having to learn loads of legal jargon!."

Tansy Muller

To protect your business with a top lawyer by your side would usually cost you MANY THOUSANDS, but I'm going to show you exactly how you can do it without incurring ANY legal fees

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We are starting in...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


What types of businesses are these LIVE sessions suitable for?
If you have a service based business selling online this is perfect for you. A coach, a consultant, a membership site owner, an online course creator, a speaker, a trainer, a designer, a creative, a VA, a book keeper, a therapist, a fitness professional, any kind of expert - then this membership is perfect for you. 

Saying that, if you sell products online, this will also be very helpful for you.
What if I can't attend all the sessions?
We are putting on two LIVE sessions a day (one at 12.30pm and one at 8pm) so we hope that you will have the opportunity to attend one of those two sessions. In addition, all of the sessions will be recorded and available for you to purchase for just £37 plus VAT so that you can watch at your leisure or refer back to key points.  This price will increase to £97 plus VAT at midnight on Monday 3 October, so if you decide after our first session that you still want to purchase the live sessions, you can still do so.
How do I attend the sessions?
When you register via this page, we will send you an email with the Zoom link to join the sessions online from the comfort of your own home. Please check your junk email if you don't see the email with the link and if it isn't in your junk folder, please email
I am a current member of the Savvy Shay Business Club or one of your current programmes.  Do I need to buy a ticket to attend?
As a Savvy Shay Business Club Member or a member of a current programme, these LIVE sessions are included in your membership or programme.  Please check your emails from me as I've emailed you to invite you to attend and shared how you can sign up. 
How do I access the 4 bonus PDF Checklists and Templates?
You will receive a link to a google document during the LIVE sessions. Please note these bonuses are not included if you purchase the recordings. They are only available if you attend the LIVE sessions. As we are putting two sessions on each day, we hope it will be possible for you to attend one of them. 
Are these sessions and bonus documents suitable for people outside of the UK?
If you are in Scotland, then our business laws are practically identical so this is absolutely suitable for you. If you’re outside of the UK but have a UK client base, this will also be very useful for you.
Is Suzanne acting as my lawyer as part of these sessions or providing the legal templates?
No, Suzanne is not acting as your lawyer. Suzanne rarely provides one to one legal consultancy these days and if she does it will be through the regulated entity Vlaw Limited.
Can I ask questions on behalf of my clients during the sessions?
No, you can only ask questions and obtain support for your business. But by all means tell all your clients about the sessions and encourage them to join by sharing the link to this page with them! 
I've got another question, which isn't covered here.  How can I get it answered?
You can email our support desk at and we will reply to your question.
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Clare Josa
"I would probably be lying awake at three o'clock in the morning on a regular basis if I didn't have the legal framework of my business in place. Working with Suzanne on this has just eased that journey. It's helped me realize which questions I need to ask, which processes I need in place, which contracts, which forms, which terms and conditions. And it means all of that can run on autopilot now, rather than being something I stress about or ignore.
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2022 Suzanne Dibble  -  All Right Reserved.

FACEBOOK DISCLAIMER  If you've arrived at this site from a Facebook advert I want to be clear that this site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by, or affiliated to Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Your orders are subject to our Terms of Business.  The Academy and related templates and other materials do not entail “legal advice” as it includes template documents, training sessions and guidance and as such is not regulated by the SRA. Suzanne is not acting as your solicitor and cannot provide you with any bespoke advice as part of the Academy but if you require such legal advice, please contact Suzanne and such work shall be provided through Suzanne’s regulated law firm Virtual Lawyers Ltd, after a quote has been provided and agreed. The templates and other materials are subject to and based on English law. You can view our Privacy Notice here.